Fly-Fishing Package “Atoll Loops”
till den underbara paradisön Alphonse Island Resort belägen i Alphonse Island of Groups i Amiranterna (nås med inrikesflyg på ca 40-45 minuters transfer). Här fiskas det endast flugfiske från platåer på öarna Alphonse, Bijoutier & Saint-Francois (bl a St Francois Lagoon håller världsklassfiske). Fisket som praktiseras är “Catch-and-release” och tänkbar fångst är t ex Bonefish, Milkfish & Giant Trevally. Paket med 7 dagars vistelse och 6 dagars fiske med en guide per 2 st fiskare. Max 20 fiskare per vecka (lördag-lördag). Resorten har endast 27 rum (22 Bungalows & 5 Beach Suites/Villor, boka i god tid). Kan kombineras med andra öar på Seychellerna genom oss (vi erbjuder 17 öar).
BONEFISH (BONES) The ghosts of the flats, Bonefish patrol the white sand flats in huge numbers providing superb action. The more experienced anglers may wish to migrate to the shallow waters surrounding St Francois where the sport is incomparable. The average size of the fish is between 4-6 lbs.
GIANT TREVALLY (GT:S) These are one of the most sought-after gamefish and will challenge anglers and their tackle like none other. They are fearsome predators growing to over 100 lbs and will attack virtually any large baitfish pattern cast in their path. Once hooked, they are a handful on a fly rod and only the strongest rods and reels will subdue these bruisers. Stalking Giant Trevally in the surf is an unforgettable experience however be prepared to hop back to the skiff to chase these fish down.
MILKFISH Algae and weed eaters, until fairly recently milkfish were considered virtually impossible to take on a fly. Techniques pioneered by anglers staying at Alphonse have unlocked the secrets needed to entice Milkfish to take and they are now targeted almost exclusively by some anglers. Pound for pound Milkfish are considered one of the strongest flats fish, and once hooked, require a boat in order for the angler to stand a chance of landing them. Runs of over 200 metres are not uncommon and they often leap clear of the water during the fight.